TSM Armoured Training Dummy

Armoured Training Dummy

Category: Hobbies -> Exercise
Cost: $350
Poly Count: Medium poly
EPs Required: Nightlife or above

So after I made my invisible duel dummy, I thought that it would be nice to have a visible training dummy as well, to give my medievalish Sims some body skill building options – and as usual TSM had just what I was looking for. Now, I know that the TSM training dummies have already been converted over at the Plumb Bob Keep, but just as with the invisible dummy I wanted my Sims to use swords and not cutlasses, and there were some other things I wanted to tweak to my liking as well. So once again I cloned the amazing Rebecah’s duel dummy to make my own. πŸ™‚

This training dummy requires Nightlife or above – but it doesn’t matter which EP(s) you have, anything between NL and AL goes. As with Rebecah’s dummy, Sims get sports enthusiasm if you have FT installed, and of course they also gain body skill. I’ve tweaked the skill building a little, though, so that Sims will build body skill faster if they’re wearing a thinking cap (or helm, as the case might be). Also, no matter what kind of cap they’re wearing, active Sims will always build skill a little faster than others.

I’ve also made it so that only one Sim can use the dummy at a time; having two or more Sims whacking away at it with longswords at the same time seemed much too dangerous. πŸ˜› Other Sims can look on and cheer while someone is training, though, to keep their spirits up:

Thanks to Jonah and Bethany for helping with the demonstration!

As you can see, Sim kids get wooden swords and not longswords like the adults. We don’t want your little Simlets to cut themselves, those edges are sharp enough to shave with (and girls don’t shave)!

This time I decided to exercise some restraint when it came to recolours, and limited myself to eight Pooklet colours for the foot:

The credit for this object goes to Rebecah at Affinity Sims; even though I’ve made some tweaks, I’ve really just sponged on her work. Also, since this is cloned from her duel dummy, her terms of use apply, not mine.

Thank you, Rebecah, for your generous policy! πŸ˜€

8 thoughts on “TSM Armoured Training Dummy

  1. oof! These are marvelous! And the whole “I need a medieval hood now” quandary continues when you share stuff like this, thank you πŸ˜€

    • Hee, glad you like it! πŸ˜€ And I know the feeling, for the longest time I told myself that “I won’t play a medieval ‘hood, I won’t play a medieval ‘hood, I won’t play a medieval ‘hood”… but you see how well that worked out. πŸ˜‰ And I started my simming career making Star Trek stuff! 😯

    • Aww, thank you, Nonni! πŸ˜€ But I’m really standing on the shoulders of giants – or a giant, at least. This wouldn’t have been possible without Rebecah’s hard work and generous policy. πŸ™‚

    • *blushes* Thank you! I’m so glad you like my things – and that you take the time to comment on them, too! That means the world to me. πŸ™‚

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